- 年ベストベッティング サイト 2024



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小 中 大 学長挨拶 建学の精神と3つのポリシー 大学沿革 教員紹介 大学紹介動画 キャンパスマップ アクセスマップ 東大阪大学こども学部こども学科 東大阪大学こども学部アジアこども学科 東大阪大学短期大学部実践食物学科 東大阪大学短期大学部実践保育学科 東大阪大学短期大学部介護福祉学科 年間スケジュール クラブ活動 学生寮紹介 下宿紹介 アルバイト紹介 キャリアサポートセンター 就職実績 編入学サポート 基盤教育研究センター 就活ナビ 各種証明書の発行 資格登録・免許状 資格・免許取得後の問合せ先 奨学金の返還の手続きについて 科目等履修 オープンキャンパス 入試情報 注意事項 学生納付金 奨学金制度 Higashiosaka College and Higashiosaka Junior College Chronology The Murakami Educational Institution, which encompasses Higashiosaka College, Higashiosaka Junior College, Keiai High School, Kashiwara High School, and the Higashiosaka College Kindergarten, was established on December 28, 1940 by founder, Mr. Heiichiro Murakami. 1965 saw the opening of Fuse Women's College comprised of a home economics course, and in 1966 the child care course was introduced. In 1967, the name of the college was changed to Higashiosaka Junior College, and in 2000 the college became coeducational and a social welfare major was added to the existing courses. 2003 heralded the opening of Higashiosaka College, a four year degree college, which is comprised of the Faculty of Child Science, under which is the Department of Child Studies. The Department of Asian Child Studies was added to this faculty in 2011. Faculties and Departments Higashiosaka College Faculty of Child Science Department of Child Studies The Department of Child Studies was the first of its kind opened in Japan. This department is based on the unique approach of adopting the "child's perspective" in relation to various factors of youth development. Going beyond the pre-existing framework of child education, the department nurtures "child specialists" by applying child science to the pursuit of child related scholarship and encompassing a total approach consisting of the development of specialist knowledge and well-informed opinion. Department of Asian Child Studies Students in the Department of Asian Child Studies receive a broad education based in specialized knowledge of child studies applied to modern society from a global perspective. By fostering an understanding of other cultures and researching problems concerning children especially in Asia, this department trains child studies specialists who can take part in international society and contribute to the further development of Asia. A strong emphasis on business, language, and international culture is also a feature of the department. Higashiosaka Junior College Department of Health and Nutrition Students in the Department of Health and Nutrition are educated in healthy diet and the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases. Since the roles required of nutritionists have diversified every year, lectures such as "pathology" and "nutritional medicine practicum" are given as specialized subjects. In addition, the course also focuses on the acquisition of computer skills essential to a nutritionist, and students can receive certifications such as dietician, food scientist, or junior high school home economics teacher. Department of Preschool Education The motto of the department is "Efficient Education in Real-Life Situations." The department aims to develop skills that will enable graduates to deal with the ever-growing needs of early childhood education. Lectures are held by specialists, artists, and educators who are highly experienced in real-life situations. In a highly advantageous educational environment, which includes sixty piano rooms, caregivers with increased practical abilities can be trained who are capable of understanding the minds of children and instilling an appreciation for the value of life. Facilities Child Research Center The Child Research Center enables students to further explore the world of children and their education. The Center plays host to children and their parents from the surrounding district and this enables students to undertake close observation of parent/child contact. Equipped with lecture rooms, observation areas, and counseling rooms, the Center is an invaluable aid to students and their research. Practical Meal Provision and Control Facilities Equipped with the latest apparatus in accordance with HACCP regulations, the kitchens can be utilized for practicums related to modern mass food provision. Piano Rooms Sixty piano rooms are available at any time for students' use in the sound-proof, air-conditioned music wing. The audio system also provides top of the line acoustics for ultimate music appreciation. Dormitory The on-campus dormitory houses a maximum of 180 students and is supervised 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For a modest price, students receive comfortable living conditions and all the amenities necessary for student life. (Please note that the dormitory is only available for female occupancy.) Note: If there are any discrepancies between the Japanese college outline and the English translated version, please refer to the Japanese version as the original. よくある質問 お問い合わせ 資料請求 メニュー アクセスマップ サイトマップ プライバシーポリシー 評価報告書 学校法人村上学園 大学図書館 東大阪大学附属幼稚園 東大阪大学敬愛高等学校 東大阪大学柏原高等学校 Copyright © Higashiosaka College & Higashiosaka Junior College All Rights Reserved.

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