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北海道 美幌町 スマートフォンサイト 携帯サイト --> 美幌町(びほろちょう)ホームページ http://www.town.bihoro.hokkaido.jp/ 〒092-0002 北海道網走郡美幌町字美禽253-4 TEL 0152-72-2160・Fax 0152-72-2162   E-mail:[email protected] History and Activiteties2019年12月17日   Histry The Bihoro Museum was established in 1987 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Public Office for the Administration of Bihoro. The museum was opened in order to convey the wisdom and courage of our predecessors and to support children through education. The Agriculture Museum, which was  opende at the same time as the Bihoro Museum, merged with the Bihoro Museum in 2007 and was renovated by curators and volunteers into the second and third exhibition rooms. As a museum that focuses on the history, nature, and art of Bihoro, the Bihoro Museum serves as a center for the collection and preservation of materials, as well as for hands-on learning.     Initiatives (1)Research  Surveys and research are couducted on local history,nature and art.   (2)Collections  The museum has been collecting and preserving archaeological artifacts, natural historical materials, domestic articles and art work.  Databases of these collections have been made available to many people.   (3)Education  The museum offers various programs for hands-on learning. These consist of musum programs on natural science, history and art, creation  programs, workshops, and classes given in cooperation with schools. Exhibitions at the museum include special and rotating ones.       お問い合わせ 博物館課 電話:0152-72-2160 E-Mail:[email protected] 戻る 美幌博物館メニュー 博物館ホーム 利用案内 美博について 展示のご案内 イベント コレクション 法人・団体 学校の先生へ 文化財 刊行物 おうちミュージアム インフォメーション 〒092-0002 北海道網走郡美幌町字美禽253-4 TEL 0152-72-2160・Fax 0152-72-2162 E-mail:[email protected] 開館時間 午前9時30分~午後5時(入館締め切りは午後4時半) 入館料 大人300円(団体は240円)  高校生以下は無料 特別展・企画展のみは無料 休館日 月曜日(月曜が祝日・振替休日の場合は、直後の平日)国民の祝日の翌日年末年始12月30日~1月6日) プライバシーポリシー サイトポリシー © Bihoro Muserm All rights Reserved.

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